Important Notice: ARCC offices closed on Wednesday, February 12, 2024. Click here for more information.
United States military Veterans with a 100% VA disability or unemployability rating due to a service-connected injury or the unmarried surviving spouse, may be eligible for property tax savings on their primary residence. It is a one-time filing, as long as it remains your primary residence. Our quick and easy filing process takes 15 minutes and requires your VA rating letter and DD-214 to qualify.
If you are already receiving your Disabled Veterans Exemption, it will be reflected on your property tax bill in the upper-right corner under section “Exemptions” with a reduction for “Other.”
You must submit the following information to apply for the exemption:
There are two levels of the Disabled Veterans' Exemption: basic and low-income.
A qualified applicant must file by the end of the calendar year for the tax year in which they wish to seek relief. For example, an applicant acquiring property in March 2022 must file an exemption claim by December 31, 2022 in order to be considered timely.
Applications received after that date are still eligible for exemption, but will only receive 85% of the appropriate exemption for that year. Applicants will then receive 100% of the appropriate exemption every year thereafter.
You can file in one of three ways.
Email the completed application and necessary information to:
Mail the completed application and necessary information to the following address:
Submit the completed application at any of our available office locations linked below.
For assistance with completing the form, only our staff at the San Diego Assessor Main Office can assist:
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