Jordan Z. Marks


County of San Diego

Important Notice:  ARCC offices closed on Wednesday, February 12, 2024.  Click here for more information.

Birth Keepsake

Our office provides an optional service to the public when looking for a special gift or remembrance keepsake. You can purchase a decorative birth keepsake for individuals who were born in the County of San Diego.

These commemorative, 8 x 10-inch keepsakes are available for purchase and make excellent gifts. Click the image below to view a sample. You can also view samples and purchase keepsakes at any of our available offices. Purchase a keepsake in person or by mailing in the application. 

The birth keepsake entitled "San Diego Native" is embossed with a gold or silver seal. It has a silhouette of a sleeping baby in the background and comes in either pink or blue.

PLEASE NOTE: This keepsake is for souvenir purposes only. People who need an official document for identification purposes would need to purchase a certified copy of a birth certificate.