Jordan Z. Marks


County of San Diego

News Article


News Date
Sep 10, 2024

San Diego, CA –The San Diego County Assessor-Recorder-County Clerk Jordan Marks has announced that Timothy Boncoskey, chief of staff, has been appointed to the National Association of Counties (NACo) board of directors by the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO).

NACo is national trade group representing 40,000 county elected officials and 3.6 million county employees. Its mission is to strengthen America’s counties.

“I congratulate Tim on getting a chance to represent the assessment community on the NACo Board of Directors,” said Jordan Z. Marks, San Diego County Assessor-Recorder-County Clerk (ARCC). “I know he will not only represent the IAAO well but will also give a voice to California counties and our San Diego County community. I am very proud of his service and dedication to my office through these national and international governmental policy platforms.”

“I’m honored with this opportunity to serve San Diego County residents and Californians in this role on the NACo board,” said Boncoskey. “This opportunity is possible only because of Jordan’s support and our outstanding team of professionals at the ARCC and their hard work putting people first with great customer service.”

Boncoskey oversees operations and strategy for the ARCC with a staff of over 450 and an annual budget of over $90 million. He is a certified property tax appraiser in California, a credentialed member of the Chief of Staff Association and an affiliated member of the International City-County Management Association. Tim and his wife Amy Rasmussen reside in Coronado, California.


Jordan Marks was elected San Diego County Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk in 2022 to oversee the fifth largest Assessor jurisdiction in the United States. The office oversees assessing the value of real estate and personal property, which includes aircraft and boats. Marks has ushered in award-winning community outreach and education programs that have resulted in record-high property tax relief saving millions for veterans, homeowners, and seniors. He has modernized systems adding more online services and reducing paper waste. Marks was awarded the 2024 San Diego County Taxpayer Watchdog award for saving taxpayers millions of dollars in property taxes. Marks is a California Certified Property Tax Appraiser, a California licensed attorney, and a certified cybersecurity executive from the University of San Diego.

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Tim Boncoskey, Chief of Staff & Assistant ARCC


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