Jordan Z. Marks


County of San Diego

News Article

Assessor Dronenburg’s Office Donates $10,000 from Wedding Pics to Help Homeless / Endangered at Polinsky Children’s Center

News Date
May 29, 2018

Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk (ARCC), Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr. is privileged to present the children of the County of San Diego Polinsky Children’s Center with a donation of $10,000. May is Foster Care month and this will go to support and bring awareness to these children.

The presentation of the check will be made at the Polinsky Children’s Center at 10 a.m. on Thursday May 31st, 2018. The Center is located at 9400 Ruffin Ct., San Diego 92123.

The Polinsky Children’s Center is a 24-hour Emergency Shelter Care for children who must be separated from their parent for their safety or are homeless because their parents can no longer care for them. The Center houses children ranging from newborns to 18 years of age and serves an average of 3,600 children annually.

Assessor Dronenburg said, “Helping the children at the County of San Diego Polinsky Children’s Center has been a long lasting tradition of the Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk’s office.” Dronenburg continued, “We sell wedding photos that capture one of the happiest moments in a couple’s lives and donate the funds to help homeless or endangered children facing one of the saddest moments in their lives.”

Connie Cain, Deputy Director, County of San Diego Welfare Services said, “Thank you Assessor Dronenburg and his office for this very generous donation and their ongoing support for children that have experienced abuse, neglect or their parents are unable to care for them at this time.”

These funds being donated come from the sales of framed photographs to newlyweds taken by County Clerk Dronenburg’s staff during civil ceremonies performed by our offices.

The ARCC has donated over $113,500 to the Polinsky Center since 2000. The donations go to benefit the children by funding extracurricular activities in the community, including field trips to athletic events, visits to amusement parks, movies, restaurants, camping and beach trips.


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Tim Boncoskey, Chief of Staff & Assistant ARCC


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